
Happy Friday!

Well, hello! 

How is 2015 starting out for you? I've been a little silent the last couple of weeks but I definitely have some projects up my sleeve that I've been working on so I will be starting to post more in the next few weeks. I have also been busy organizing and purging which isn't the most fun but it sure feels awesome when I power through and get things in order!

My studio had gotten so cluttered over the holidays that I felt like I couldn't even breathe...ugh. Anyhow, it is now organized and I am starting to prep it for a paint overhaul. When we moved in a year and half ago I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the room but now that we are settled I've got a plan. Stay tuned for the updates.

I am also looking forward to this weekend! Allen's cousin and his girlfriend are coming to town so it will be so much fun to spend some time with them. And no, I didn't make those cupcakes for them but they were too darn cute not to share with you all today so I hope these lil' googly-eyed cupcakes put a smile on your face!

Have a great weekend!

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